Seit heute ist es offiziell. Yahoo bietet in Kooperation mit Six Apart Ltd. Movable Type Blogs für Unternehmen an. Speziell Klein- und Mittelunternehmen sollen mit dem neuen Dienst bedient werden.
Yahoo will effectively act as the preferred provider of Movable Type for small business users, taking advantage of its scale and efficiency, Anil Dash, vice president of professional products for San Francisco-based Six Apart, said in a phone interview.
„This is going to be our recommended (sales) channel for small business,“ he said.
Sunnyvale, California-based Yahoo said it will offer commercial blogs based on Movable Type as part of its existing small business Web-site management service.
Yahoo provides customers with a unique Web address, blogging tools and business-class e-mail services with spam and virus protections for less than $12 a month.
Umso erstaunlicher dass, deutsche Telekom-Unternehmen diesen Trend wieder einmal verpassen. Siehe T-Online cancelt Blog-Service